Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Daily Log

Just popping in to report on today. I will try to update daily, but I am not looking to turn my blog completely into a diet journal, so there will be all the other stuff too.

I tried to do well and I did ok, but not perfect. I only got on the elliptical twice today which is not a lot when you consider that I don't last very long. Here is what I ate today:

Breakfast: 1 serving of steel cut oats with a little pat of butter
Lunch: 1/2 cup of beans (I was in a hurry. Lots of fiber though!)
Snack: 1 Luna Bar ( I love these!)
Dinner: Salmon and broccoli cheese rice (I was going to have peas but then I saw the package of rice and I caved. Bad Amanda!)

I need to go to the store tomorrow. I am going to buy lots of fruit! I always do for the kids, but I am looking forward to some apples!

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