Monday, August 25, 2008


This will probably seem silly, but I am excited about cheese! Ha ha. At the store yesterday, we came across Halloumi cheese in the imported cheeses section. Don't ask me why we were looking. Back in my flight attendant days, I had a lot of layovers in Cyrpus. Sometimes I would layover there 5 days at a time, then be back a week later for another several days. It was my most frequent place to layover. I love Cyprus. It is an island mostly owned by Greece, but partially owned by Turkey. The sectioned owned by Turkey is bare for the most part. But the larger part owned by Greece, has resorts and a beautiful beach with clear water. Halloumi cheese is made in Cyprus and hard to find anywhere else. The hotel we stayed at, would serve it every morning for breakfast. I love it. Aaron tried a piece, and he thinks it tastes a bit like mozzerella at first. You can grill this cheese by itself. It doesn't melt like regular cheese. And it is so good. I haven't been to Cyrpus since I quit flying, but I miss flying very much. And I miss the people and the places, and the job very much. So coming across this cheese kind of takes me back as silly as it sounds.


Shamae (Ghost written by Loren her hubby) said...

Hey guess what! I went to a farmer's market with my mom a couple weeks ago and one of the exhibits was grilling this cheese and giving samples. It is delicious! Cool! Glad you found it!

Michelle said...

How fun that you found something that could bring back those memories for you! Enjoy your cheese!

TheAlbrechtSquad said...

How awesome! A positive for Texas, woohoo!

Becca said...

Not silly at all love.

Glad you were able to find it. On a related note if you are ever in Utah visiting your family, a local grocery store here also has it =)